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Infant CPR could save your child

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) isn't just for adults. Sometimes the tiniest of people—infants—need CPR too.

If you care for a baby up to 1 year old, taking an infant CPR course could be a literal lifesaver. If you have a pool, live near water or care for an infant who's at high risk for heart or lung failure, this training is especially important.

Even if you know adult CPR, you need separate training for infants because some of the steps and methods are different.

Size counts

Infants and adults generally need CPR for different reasons. Adults usually need CPR because heart disease or an unusual heart rhythm has caused the heart to stop beating. Infants are more likely to need CPR because of problems with breathing.

Infants may stop breathing because of injury, poisoning, lung disease, choking, electrical shock, excessive bleeding or near-drowning. An infant can go only a short time without breathing before the oxygen shortage causes the heart to stop.

An infant may also need CPR if the heart stops because of heart disease or heart rhythm problems.

Handle with care

Because infants' bodies and airways are smaller and more delicate than adults', some of the methods used in infant CPR are unique.

The right training can make the difference between helping, harming or not knowing what to do at all.

Time well spent

Contact the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association to find out about classes near you.

Reviewed 4/23/2024

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