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Diagnosing multiple sclerosis

No single test can confirm or rule out multiple sclerosis (MS), but the following techniques can help your doctor make a diagnosis:

  • A medical history and neurological exam can help a doctor identify symptoms that may be caused by MS and evaluate a person's mental and language functions, as well as information on movement, coordination, balance, vision and other senses. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, a medical history and neurological exam often provide enough evidence to diagnose MS. Other tests are used to confirm the diagnosis or provide additional evidence if necessary.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans can reveal patches of injured tissue in the central nervous system that suggest MS. Repeat tests can show whether diseased areas are changing.
  • A sample of cerebrospinal fluid may be analyzed for abnormal proteins.

Reviewed 6/12/2024

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